Diana Ferreira, MD, PhD

Integrative and lifestyle medicine

Hi, I am Diana!

I am a medical doctor trained in integrative and lifestyle medicine applied to people with cancer, I have a PhD in the field of ​​palliative care, I do clinical research and I am a yoga instructor. Above all, I have a deep interest in the resilience and wisdom of the human soul.

At the age of 35, I was diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma, which made me question the essence of who I am and how I contribute to a healthier world.

I believe that the current cancer epidemic results from a profound disconnection with our inner nature and with the nature of the world around us. I believe that step by step, we can return to the essence of who we are and to a healthier and fuller life.


About me

Physician, researcher, yoga teacher, in constant search for growth.


I believe the path of healing is a sacred one. It is journey of beauty and meaning, rather than a fight against illness.


Reflections on health and healing based on my personal journey as a health seeker and provider.

Art Work

I create mandalas as a way to relax the mind, connect with myself, and express from the heart.


Yoga is a way to connect mind, body, and spirit, and facilitate healing.


Learn about my favourite books, films, TV shows, podcasts, and talks.


Get in touch! I would love to connect.

“As if you were on fire from within.
The moon lives in the lining of your skin.”

— Pablo Neruda

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